Monday, November 3, 2008

Apartment Kitchenette

This is a shot of the downstairs apartment kitchenette.

You may remember the infamous bathroom sink located in the kitchen.
You can see out the window now! :)

Add a stove and a fridge and this could very well be a nice area to cook,
eat, and blow dry your hair before work! ha

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hallway & Faux Job

The outlined cupboards here are a sort of tie in from the living room.
The wall color is the same, except I lightened it a bit.

It was hard to get a good shot of the whole bathroom
because it's pretty small. But there's no denying that is as bubblegum pink as I've ever

The inside of the shower is just the base color. The window in the shower is pink.

I decided to make the colors kind of girlie girl. Thanks to my friend Tina who told me when she bought her own home that she was going to decorate her bathroom as girlie as she wanted because in the past she was always trying to consider the present boyfriend at the time and would make it more manly. Well that sounded too familiar.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cave Living

This living room presented a new challenge. The room reminded me of A cave before I started.
The ceiling and walls were (are) rounded. Back in the day they plastered on hard wire mesh. So no wood frame, no corners.

The focal wall in the living room. Now when I walk in I know right away there's a fireplace!

This window would make a great window seat! The edge I added on the ceiling makes the room look less round. It opened it up a lot.

I also like the mantle accentuated by two different colors. It seems more regal. This is why the keeper of the castle is above it on the mantle!
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Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Last Empire: China's Pollution Goes Global

The Link below is an article I came across while on I have felt for some time that we the United States were creating a monster so to speak with our consumerism and insistence on affordability. I am as guilty of this as anyone. Perhaps my posting of this article will in a small way contribute to your awareness of a very real, urgent, immediate situation looming across the Globe. Our Globe.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My House

This is the back yard. It's pretty big!

We have the upstairs living room with decorative stone fireplace.

The kitchen. The floor in here is something to behold, but it was a wee bit messy so I passed on including it the photo. It looks like Malachite. Yes, very dark green with swirls! Woo Hoo. Perhaps I will change it down the road? Yes I think so.

I will call this the family room. It's downstairs. This would only work if you have a very small family however! ha

This is the actual house Wade and I own. I think it's pretty slick!

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Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Downstairs Apartment

We have the living room view from the bedroom of the apartment.

This is the "new" front door. The threshold was rotting away and there was at least a 2 inch gap under the door. You can't even tell how much wood putty I built up to make it good as new! Oh, and of course I painted it.

This was quite a handful to prep. Then the first color I painted the bedroom just made it look dirty.

I'm standing in the living room at the far left corner. That living room wall was the one with the masking tape patch job under that upper vent.

The living room color is not this "orange". It's more like a golden tan? I am really happy with the way it turned out.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

The New "Nook"

This is the new breakfast nook. It was actually the first thing I painted. It's been stacked with too much "stuff" to get a shot of it till now. :)

I am seriously thinking the wagon wheel mirrors have to go. Mirrors are good. Makes it look bigger, but maybe hold the bouquet?

Unfortunately it's hard to see the windows. Those were quite a project. All the windows are those old style pain in the a-- paint chipping, wood rotting, with the wooden panes inside the frame.

I had to do it! Yes, this is a picture of the same downstairs wall where the masking tape was. Actually it's right next to it. But that's fixed too. What a difference 6 hours of spackeling (sp) and sanding can make!

We are all primed and ready for paint.

I'm flying to Fremont this morning for 4 days to see my honey! Every muscle from my neck down has decided I need to stop using that paint roller for now. When I return I'm going to fire up the paint sprayer since this part has very little taping off to do. It's all going to be one color. (Maybe) Knowing me I'll have to do SOMETHING I'm sure.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

One Done & One Place To Put Boxes!

This is the left bedroom. I removed the closet doors to combine the adjacent bedroom. That yellowish wall is the inside of the closet.

After 4 trips to Wal-Mart for painting stuff etc. These were the second curtains I tried.

Here you can kind of see the paint job in the right bedroom. It's the "storage" room while I continue to paint the rest of the house.

Curtain choice number 3. On the 6th trip to Wal-Mart I am finished with the left bedroom.

Tada! This is just the beginning! At least I have a nice room to crash in!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

First Patch and Sand

This is the downstairs closet. Switched primers and finally got it covered. Half of this bedroom has never had paint. Or the paint was cheap.

The basic condition of the walls down here. I could literally fall through if I'm not careful. Someone used masking tape and covered it with plaster to fix hole below heater vent

The mighty fine windows! This one is above the sink in the kitchenette. I didn't know "Sharpies" were the new way to blacken out too much light.

Oh the layers of paint from the past.

The downstairs bedroom ready to paint! :) After another trip to Wal-Mart for more spackle and sand paper.....

Monday, September 22, 2008

This is me (A few of my most favorite graphics)

It doesn't get any better than this!

Firemen and the mighty fine U S of A!

The most beautiful animal on the planet. The very few that are left.....

This is just all about HAPPY!

Art and color color and art. It's the closest thing to a beating heart

To be continued....

10 steps to perfect walls - Style At Home

10 steps to perfect walls - Style At Home

Just in case some of you have been spurred on to do a little painting. Check this out first.:)

Friday, September 19, 2008

And The Final "Before" Pics

This is one upstairs bedroom. I guess I only got a shot facing the closet. It's fairly large actually. Yes, more wood paneling. There's lots of it in this house!

I took this shot because this closet is also the closet for the other bedroom across the hall. That's why you see another door even though this door is open.

This is the bedroom across the hall.
I will be posting the after pics as progress is made. Remind me to look at these if you ever hear me saying it's a good, fun idea to paint!